Companies happy to enrol as Friends of Mansfield BID

Director Dean Parrish enrols Churchside Insurance as a member of the Friends Of BID initiative. He is pictured with Nikki Rolls and Tom Wilson, of BID, and Churchside employees Sian-Ann Pestell, Damian Booker and Emily Boler.Director Dean Parrish enrols Churchside Insurance as a member of the Friends Of BID initiative. He is pictured with Nikki Rolls and Tom Wilson, of BID, and Churchside employees Sian-Ann Pestell, Damian Booker and Emily Boler.
Director Dean Parrish enrols Churchside Insurance as a member of the Friends Of BID initiative. He is pictured with Nikki Rolls and Tom Wilson, of BID, and Churchside employees Sian-Ann Pestell, Damian Booker and Emily Boler.
An insurance company has become one of several firms in Mansfield to join a new Friends Of The BID scheme.

Churchside Insurance found itself outside of the Mansfield BID (Business Improvement District) when it moved premises from the centre of town to Samuel Brunts Way because it needed its own car park. And that meant it couldn’t take adavantage of BID’s services.

But the Friends initiative enables firms who might still be in Mansfield but sit outside the designated area to receive vital help.

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Dean Parrish, director of Churchside, which handles business and personal insurance policies, said: “BID is an excellent organisation and does so much for businesses. You have to pay a levy, of course, but you get so much more back, such as help with marketing.

“I am delighted that we can give a little back by becoming a Friend of BID, and we would encourage others to do the same.”

Although it is a standalone company, Mansfield BID acts as a partnership between councils and the business community to develop projects and services that benefit trade in the town.

Nikki Rolls, its chief executive, said: “The Friends scheme is proving to be extremely popular and is further evidence that forward-thinking businesses really value the important work of Mansfield BID.”

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Other companies to have become involved in the Friends scheme include Tanbry Construction, of Broadway, Garage Doors, of Great Central Road, Mansfield Town Football Club and the restaurant chain, Bella Italia,

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