Want to be a voice for your community? Here is your chance!

Your community needs you.Your community needs you.
Your community needs you.
Warsop Parish Council is on the look out for a new member to represent the Warsop Carrs ward.

Duties include being involved within the parish council and working alongside other members.

It is the perfect opportunity for someone who is passionate and enthusiastic and willing to go the extra mile for the sake of the community, the council said.

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Parish Councillor Wayne Williamson-Cooper said: "You become a voice for your ward and get to listen to what people want and what their views are on current topics.

"It allows you to network with members of different organisations which always helps to keep you informed and you never know when you might need that contact in the future, you are responsible for providing information to the public and become actively involved with communities.

"You meet people who you probably would not normally meet and get involved in projects that again if you were not a councillor you would not be interested in doing.

"I think its a great opportunity for someone to get stuck in and be that point of contact for the people of Warsop."

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To be eligible applicants must live or work in the Parish of Warsop and must register their interest in writing to the Parish Clerk on or before August 30, stating why they wish to become a parish councillor and what skills they can bring to serve the community.

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