Former staff at abuse homes in Notts urged to step forward

Former Skegby Hall Care HomeFormer Skegby Hall Care Home
Former Skegby Hall Care Home
Innocent staff who worked at council-run homes at the centre of the Nottinghamshire sex abuse scandal are being urged to step forward and tell their own stories.

While hundreds of victims have broken their silence, David Hollas MBE of the Child Sex Abuse (CSA) action group says council workers should now also be coming forward.

An independent inquiry will now be carried out by Judge Lowell Goddard into the homes run by Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council between the 1950s and 2000s.

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Mr Hollas says staff too scared to speak out now have the platform to be heard.

He said: “To former and indeed serving employees of the council and police service, who might have said nothing for fear of their livelihood, now you will be able to tell Goddard with all the protection from repercussions to help those that were abused to start to rebuild their lives and to ensure we hold those responsible accountable.

“For survivors who have yet to come forward, I urge them to find the strength to report the abuse to the police and be prepared to come forward to the inquiry to tell your story.

“They might just have the final piece of information that sees your abuser held to account in a court of law.”

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More than a dozen children’s care homes in Nottinghamshire are at the centre allegations of abuse by staff on young residents dating back to the 1950s, including a number across Mansfield and Ashfield.

The CSA was set up with the help of former Forest Town man, Mickey Summers, who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of council staff.

It led to hundreds more stepping forward.

Anyone wishing to contact the CSA should contact Nick anonymously at the Chad on 01623 450283.