King's Mill Hospital takes six months to officially apologise to a Mansfield mum for her daughter's death

Becky with her daughter Freya in the hospital.Becky with her daughter Freya in the hospital.
Becky with her daughter Freya in the hospital.
A Mansfield mum says her concerns are not 'being taken seriously' after King's Mill Hospital took six months to issue an official apology for the death of her daughter, Freya.

Becky Davies, aged 29, from Mansfield, delivered Freya stillborn on December 19, 2016 – nearly 48 hours after she called the hospital complaining of pain, saying her waters had broken.

A hospital investigation found “missed opportunities” meant staff failed to give the “vital care” Becky needed and her placenta ruptured, starving Freya of oxygen.

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Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Trust, which runs the Sutton hospital, admitted liability for the death in November, when Becky was told an official apology would follow.

The trust has already apologised to the family in person and by unofficial letter, but the official apology has only just been sent.

Becky said: “We have always said an apology would never bring Freya back.

“However, to be told an apology would be forthcoming and then not hear anything for six months made us feel our concerns were not being taken seriously again by the hospital.

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“I hope no other families have to suffer the devastation our family has.”

In the official letter of apology, Richard Mitchell, chief executive of Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, which runs the hospital, said: “Had we reacted sooner it would have increased the chances for baby Freya to survive.

“I cannot imagine how heart-breaking this is for you and your family.”

Mr Mitchell said the trust had “identified and acted upon opportunities to improve” maternity care.

A trust spokeswoman said: “We regret the process to send an official letter took longer than we envisaged.

“We are looking to review our internal processes to respond in a more timely way.”