Mansfield thief's stealing driven by drug-addict mum

Mansfield Magistrates Court.Mansfield Magistrates Court.
Mansfield Magistrates Court.
A Mansfield thief with a 'dreadful record' was spared jail after a court heard how his drug-addicted mother had affected his behaviour.

Willem Brewer was spotted on CCTV taking a Phillips razor, worth £45, from Boots, on May 21.

The court heard he was subject to a 12 month community order, imposed on November 17, 2016, for theft.

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On November 30, 2016, he was given an 18 week sentence, suspended for one year, for stealing a £50 bluetooth phone, and on January 3, 2017, a further 18 weeks, suspended, for stealing £9.95 of food.

Brewer, 23, of Commercial Gate, admitted theft when he appeared in Mansfield Magistrates Court, on Thursday.

Chris Perry, mitigating, said his mother had been “heavily addicted” to drugs, and at the age of 12 he was hospitalised after ingesting her amphetamine.

“His mother continued to use amphetamine intravenously and his childhood was marred,” said Mr Perry.

“He was exposed to more and more drugs and danger.”

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Despite this, Brewer’s relationship with his mother remained strong, but she turned up at his address recently, “in a state of disarray” and asking for money.

“I think it was mum’s problems that were put at his door, and this was putting him under more and more undue pressure,” said Mr Perry.

“He is not without responsibility but there were other factors that were causing that behaviour.

“He is making efforts to address his drug use.”

Probation officer Sarah Alderton said Brewer still had problems with substance misuse.

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She said he admitted the thefts in police interview, and said they were linked to his drug use and short term memory loss.

“Probation see there is progress being made and he is also now in secure accommodation,” she said.

District judge Andrew Meachin told Brewer: “I have to decide whether it would be unjust to send you to prison. The probation service have put themselves out to explain why I shouldn’t.

“You have a dreadful record and I recall the case when you appeared before me and I imposed the community order. I am not going to activate the prison sentence.”

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Instead the district judge revoked the existing community order and imposed an 18 month order, with ten days of a rehabilitation activity requirement and a nine month drug rehabilitation requirement.

The suspended sentence was extended by six months. He was ordered to pay £45 compensation to the store and costs of £85.

“I tell you now that next time you will got to prison for a long time,” Brewer was warned.

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