Sneaky punch lands brawler in hot water


Mansfield Magistrates Court09-0565-2

Mansfield Magistrates Court
09-0565-2 Mansfield Magistrates Court
A Warsop man has been given 100 hours’ unpaid work after admitting punching another man during a pub brawl.

Mansfield magistrates were told how Adam Buckle (29), of Vickers Street, had punched his victim without warning after being asked to go outside.

Robert Carr, prosecuting, said the fight had been brewing since Buckle’s victim was served with harassment warnings by police with regard to a mutual acquaintance .

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Said Mr Carr: “He accepts he got the first punch in as he thought he would be floored had he not done that.”

During the ensuing fight outside Warsop’s Crates and Grapes the victim fell and hit his head on a post.

But Buckle told the court: “Given the alcohol consumed I should have just reported it to police.”

A probation officer said Buckle had been in drink and his decision-making was impaired.

He was also ordered to pay a £60 victim surcharge and £85 court costs.

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