Mansfield Magistrates' Court listings

Do you know your town feature in Mansfield. Mansfield Magistrates Court.Do you know your town feature in Mansfield. Mansfield Magistrates Court.
Do you know your town feature in Mansfield. Mansfield Magistrates Court.

Patryk Lubinski, aged 34, of Jephson Road, Sutton, admitted assault by beating. A community order was made for a rehabilitation activity requirement. He was also fined £55 and ordered to pay compensation of £75, a surcharge of £85 and costs of £85.


Danny Bowskill, 24, of Commercial Gate, Mansfield, failed to comply with a community requirement of a suspended sentence. He was fined £40 and ordered to pay costs of £40.

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Gregg Stainforth, 25, of Portland Street, Sutton, admitted failing to comply with a suspended sentence order made by Nottinghamshire Magistrates’ Court. He was fined £150 and ordered to pay costs of £75.

Leigh Paddon, 33, of David Street, Kirkby, admitted failing without reasonable excuse to comply with the supervision requirements imposed following release for a period of imprisonment. He was committed to prison for 14 days.


Makauley Lane, 22, of Longhill Rise, Kirkby, admitted drunk and disorderly behaviour in a public place, namely Clumber Street, Mansfield. He was fined £60 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £30 and costs of £85.


Jason Smith, 41, of Willow Crescent, Sutton, admitted possession of a quantity of cannabis, a class B drug. He was fined £100 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £20.


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Jamie Hutchinson, 28, of Booth Crescent, Mansfield, admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause another person to believe immediate unlawful violence would be used against him on Leeming Lane South, Mansfield. Ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work and pay a surcharge of £85 and costs of £85.

Jason Peabody, 37, of Forest Street, Sutton, stole money and cigarette papers to value of £8 and damaged garden ornaments to the value of £60 belonging to the same victim. He was told to pay £68 compensation and costs of £85. He was given a restraining order to prevent him from directly or indirectly contacting the victim and a community order with rehabilitation activity requirement.

Alan Haywood, of Charles Street, Mansfield Woodhouse. Non-payment of fine of £25 imposed on October 25, 2016, and non-payment of £370 fine imposed on January 4, 2017. More time to pay ordered.

Luke Spurr, 25, Mansfield Road, Skegby, admitted assault by beating. He was handed a four-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. He must also comply with a rehabilitation activity requirement and carry out 80 hours of unpaid work. He was fined £150 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £115 and costs of £85. He also damaged four table chairs, a television and bathroom door belonging to his victim and a restraining order has been made not to contact her directly or indirectly. He was told to pay £500 in compensation.


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Patrick Sultanti, 40, of Crow Croft Road, Pilsley, admitted drink driving and was found to have 102 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath – the legal limit is 35mcg. He was banned from driving for 26 months, fined £250 and told to pay £85 costs and a £85 surcharge.


Howard Vincent, 47, of Mansfield Road, Clipstone, drove a BMW at a speed exceeding 70mph on the A64. He was fined £400 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £40 and costs of £85. He was disqualified for holding or obtaining a driving licence for 21 days.

Sally Moloney, 52, of Westhorpe, Southwell, admitted speeding at 36mph in a 30mph zone and was fined £70, given three penalty points, and told to pay a £30 surcharge.

Paul Smith, 40, of Hands Road, Heanor, admitted to driving at 38mph in a 30mph zone on the A610 Nuthall Road. He was fined £146 and ordered to pay costs of £85 and a surcharge of £30. He was given three penalty points.

Stolen Goods

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Gareth Scott, 38, of Stone Crescent, Mansfield, admitted undertaking or assisting in the retention, removal, disposal or realisation of stolen goods, namely a Boss mountain bike. He was fined £80 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £30 and costs of £40.


Luminita Costache, 50, of Dalestorth Street, Sutton, admitted she jointly stole groceries to the value of £386.53 belonging to Asda. She was fined £50 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £30 and costs of £20.

Valeriu-Petre Hanta, 32, of Brand Lane, Sutton admitted stealing various food items to the value of £437.84. Ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work within the next 12 months and made to pay a surcharge of £85 and costs of £85.

Liam Watson, 19, of Institute Street, Sutton, admitted stealing a strimmer and mower to the value of £40. Fined £60 and ordered to pay a surcharge of £30 and costs of £85.

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Jamie Linford, 31, of Welbeck Street, Mansfield, admitted stealing alcohol to the value of £372.54 from B&M Bargains. He was ordered to pay compensation of £31, a surcharge of £85, and costs of £150. A community order was also made with a rehabilitation activity requirement.

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