Notts solicitors says a will protects your loved ones

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Around two thirds of people have not made a will and are unaware of the problems that can arise if they pass away, a Nottinghamshire solicitors claims.

Elvin Moore and Partners says people are increasingly putting themselves and their loved ones at risk through not having a will.

Associate solicitor Nikki Spencer says the commonly held belief that the next of kin will inherit if a persion passes away without a will is not true.

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She said: “Married people may wrongly assume that when they die their estate automatically goes to their spouse. This is not always the case as may have to be shared with other living relatives.

“Another misconception is that ‘unmarried’ partners inherit the estate. Where children are concerned, guardians should be appointed in the will so should anything happen to both parents, the children would be looked after by guardians chosen by you not the courts”

Nikki added: “Dying without a will means that Government decides what happens to your estate. It is hard to imagine the total chaos and distress that can be created at an already emotionally charged time if a will hasn’t been left. Having a will is vital to safeguard your family.”

Another problem arises when someone passes on and the family needs to find the will quickly and easily. In a survey conducted by Certainty the National Will Register, 67 per cent of people did not know where their parents’ wills were located or which solicitor holds the originals.

Elvin Moore and Partners is now part of Certainty the National Will Register solicitors network that registers the location of the will. See