Ashfield MP says blame for Brexit mess lies solely with the Prime Minister

Gloria De Piero MPGloria De Piero MP
Gloria De Piero MP
Time ticks on and the original March 29 deadline for Brexit is just hours away now, writes Gloria De Piero MP.

There is still very little clarity about what Britain’s future relationship with the EU will look like and despite her protestations to the contrary there is only one person responsible and that is the Prime Minister.

Theresa May has presented a deal to Parliament that has been rejected by all sides of the House twice already and yet still she shows no willingness to listen to anyone else.

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Labour set out what it wanted from a Brexit deal a long time ago and the PM’s deal does not do that, which is why I voted against it.

I also voted against letting the UK crash out with no deal, because I believe that would be extremely damaging.

I receive emails from voters telling me Britain should leave with no deal, while others tell me that I should vote for the PM’s deal and others say Britain shouldn’t leave at all.

My position has been consistent.

I respect the result of the referendum and I voted to trigger Article 50 and I do not want a second referendum or a long delay to the leaving process.

Britain must leave, but on the right terms.

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When I speak to voters, the majority of those who voted leave did so because they don’t want Brussels to have political control over the UK.

They didn’t vote leave to make trade with Europe, Britain’s biggest trading partner, more difficult and they acknowledge that Britain needs tariff-free access to the single market.

Due to the huge divide in opinion on Brexit, nobody is going to get everything they want from a dea, so we have to compromise.

There is a group of cross-party MPs who are working to do just that, and what we now need is for Theresa May to actually listen to our thoughts, ideas and opinions and put these to the EU.

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The fact of the matter is that we would not be in this chaos if the Tories in Parliament all voted for the deal that the PM negotiated, but the hardliners for both leave and remain have point-blank refused to budge an inch, leaving us in deadlock.

Britain deserves better.

See also