Your stars for the week ahead

John Thompson Campbell - Astrologer.John Thompson Campbell - Astrologer.
John Thompson Campbell - Astrologer.
Our resident astrologer, John Thompson-Campbell casts his eye over your horoscope for Monday 21st July to Sunday 27th July, to see what the stars have in store...

Aries: You are going to find from this week Aries that your are beginning to switch on, and are going to be feeling stronger and far more sure of yourself in your own right. I think that you are now in a good place, feeling far happier, and can now see the light at the end of your tunnel.

Taurus: I think that you are now going to experience an added surge of life coming into your life in the area of romance. There is a high chance now that you are going to be bumping into someone who is not only bold and confident, but has a very physical outlook. A new face is about to be introduced to your family.

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Gemini: You are going to feel hyperactive and bristling with ideas this week. You have itchy feet, and are going to experience a very strong urge to get outside into the fresh air and stretch your legs. There is a sense “ knowing exactly where you are going now “ building up inside of you, but you must learn to be more open, as I believe you are being secretive. Communication is the key to your happiness.

Cancer: Others are going to comment on how you seem to have a bit more “ bounce “ around you at present, and are living live with extra vigour and zest in your stride. I would say this is due to you valuing yourself a little more, and this is going to attract someone into your life that you find physically attractive.

Leo: Hiya Leo. This is the very beginning of your “lucky year”. You are going to very shortly be feeling full of zest and up for any challenge; displaying a very obvious “ bring it on attitude”. To add to this are going to be in the mind-set to make quite a few decisive alterations to your house: it’s time for a re-vamp.

Virgo: It’s the start of that time of year for you Virgo when its advised always to look at where you have come from during the past year, and reflect; looking at where you are now, and judge, exactly where you think you want to go next, and work out just what you can do about it. Are you happy with your lot, or is it time to make a few changes?

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Libra: From this week onwards you begin to gain a confident sense of your own true worth, and you intend to use your knowledge to boost your bank account. A new sense of strength that comes from within is beginning to prevail over you and is going to have a rollover effect on every part of your life.

Scorpio: You are now seeing it as being time to take the bull by its horns and get things done, the way that you want them done; instead of waiting patiently and diplomatically for others who simply can’t be bothered, and have no intention of rushing for you.

Sagittarius: Its very much the time to have a good think, but not to take just too long about it, regarding what needs improving in your life, and exactly what you can do about it. Life is meant for living is your motto here, but I do know that your are also going to have to rest your weary legs, as events are going to take a lot out of you.

Capricorn: You are going to be getting involved in some deep and meaningful conversations with someone, whom you would just rather have a laugh with, and I think that a night out with your friends might very well turn out quite boisterous, with you being attracted towards someone very attractive, with strong physical attributes, who looks after themselves very well indeed.

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Aquarius: Even though you are a fiercely independent old soul and when it comes to affairs of the heart, you are very quick to shy off, and adore going down the friendship road; you are about to encounter someone very different with a strong personality who takes a massive shine to you, and whom you seem to think is worth the effort.

Pisces: This week you will find yourself surrounded by quite a few others who have reasons to be happy, and this is going to rub off on yourself, putting you in a nice pleasant mood. At the same time you are going to encounter another strong minded and able individual who is almost going to convince you to either join a gym class, or increase your frequency.